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I wanted to but they won’t let me
They turned me down with no options
They turned me out with no fall back
As the world accelerated, I retreated
As they advanced, I hid my face;
I didn’t cause this, didn’t ask for this
But here I am with nowhere else to go
Here I tarry with nothing left to do
Bored to death, itching to go
Wondering what good I can make
Of this compulsory pause
That could turn opportunities
To dig deeper for higher goals
Or distractions, dissipation:
Dig my grave where I am stuck.


These are very sensitive times. Given the global economic downtimes that is felt by everyone everywhere, a lot of people are no longer where they used to be. In their eyes, they are no longer what they used to be or what they thought they were. These times have robbed and denied many the right to what they are used to. Discouragement is stalking, despair is rife, so close that it costs more to say no to it than to open the door and let it stroll in and claim the day that find many with nothing much or meaningful to do. Yet, in times like this, God arises, the Mighty Deliverer to those who refuse to look down on themselves and their circumstances. God arises, the indisputable lifter in times of casting down. But you have to be rightly positioned and yielded to see Him and follow where He calls.

Do not like David did, become a victim of the times. When Kings were going to war and doing exploits, David found himself at home. Now, the reason for him being home at such a time is not the issue. The issue is what he did while at home. For some, it is a choice, for others, it was decided for them. Yes, people end up where they didn’t plan to for various reasons and the challenge is not where they ended up, what they did or didn’t do that led to it. The key threat lies in what they do with where they found themselves.

When David, an active ruler and mighty warrior found himself with extra time on his hands, with nothing doing, he went looking, he saw, and the very man who had gone far and wide fighting and winning, was defeated in his own house, by a war he didn’t discern, at a time he least expected. A little adventure downtown, at a downtime ended up with intrigues that culminated in the murder of an innocent man. And thus a seed was sown that yielded shame and heartache for him, his family and the nation. But for the mercies of God! Here is the truth many of us don’t like to hear; God is so merciful He will forgive any and everything, BUT the consequences of what we triggered will play its course, sometimes a while, some others a lifetime. Any wonder this timely alarm at such a times as this? Be aware, beware!

This is not the time to chase things and people around to see what works. If you feel demobilized, demotivated, whatever label you choose to tag your current situation, beloved it is not the time to chase alternative causes in the wagon of desperation. This is the time to step back: there is a purpose for everything good or bad. And even in bad times, some good can still be found if we pay attention enough. Don’t be in a hurry to change things, to get out, to prove a point: please take this time to turn away from pressures pulling from every side, turn to God and seek to know what He would have you do at such a time as this. A time like this may never come again, there are things you do now that may never be undone, seeds you sow now that can make or mar your course and that of your family and the larger society in time.

Beware lest you sabotage yourself or be assassinated by a season destined with phenomenal outcomes, critically dependent on how you handle it. Yes, I know the times are tough. Yes, I understand that responsibilities abound. It is true we ought to be out there doing stuff, up there reeling them in, yet, if you would spare God sometime during this season, He will bring you to the place where you will hear a word behind saying, “This is the way, walk it with grace no matter how it appears, walk it with confidence no matter what they think.” And as you trust and obey the Guide who owns and knows it all, God will use this seeming knockdown to lift you beyond your wildest imaginations. Yes, it is true because with God, all things are possible. To those who will hearken, God will do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond whatever they may have lost or dreamed.




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SoarwithGlory is dedicated to personal and professional development. We support talent development and management for individuals and groups through training and programs promotion. Our unique and customized management strategies are designed to identify talents, and work closely with them to support the advancement and accomplishment of lifetime goals. read more

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