A colleague said to me days back, “You know, it is so easy to lose it around here,” and I remembered my experience of losing it once. My response was, “Yes, it is very easy but what good does it do?” If you react by the way things go, you will lose it not just once or twice, you run the risk of losing your sanity. What for? From my own observation and lessons learned, it is just not worth the trouble, and the risk on your peace with God. Like Scripture puts it, “The wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God.”
It is further complicated by the fact that you would be the one raving mad while those that infuriated you are probably nowhere in sight. Even if you confront them with your frustrations, what do they care? Often, they don’t. Getting mad most likely would neither produce a change of heart nor attitude. In fact, in most cases, it further complicates matters. It is rare that losing it produces positive results.
Now does that mean that we should crucify our true feelings, repress our annoyance, and bottle up frustrations until it chokes or strangles us? Not at all. Scripture says to be angry but sin not. If we go ahead and say it as we feel it, we set a fire that might consume more than we have asked or imagined. If we put ourselves upfront and respond from personal perspectives, we lose control and often may not realize when we cross borders and harm what ought to be protected. If we follow matters as they come and react as we think, regrets will litter our neighborhood and ruin the joy that God has given us for that environment.
However, if we take the time to think first before we react, tempers cool and we are able to take saner decisions unlike when we just let it out as we feel. If we take the time to find out how God would rather we dealt with the situation at hand, He positions us to respond in ways that honor His name and preserve our integrity as His children. If we can just stop before we let it go, and humbly lift up the offense and offender before our Father, He will faithfully reach out and grease our grieved souls with the balm of peace, comforting and empowering us to respond in matured and blameless ways that yield a harvest of glory to His name.
Beloved, before you lose it, ask yourself, “Have I talked to Abba about this?” Blessings.