O God, my heart beats for You!
For without You, I am nothing but done
Without You, I am hopeless and gone
Without You, there is no future to reach for
Life holds no meaning without the One
Who keeps me going when there’s no path in sight!
When the world descends on my fragile frame
And weights abound beyond my measly means
I look up to You and see causes for smiles
Yes in Your face I find reasons to stand
To take one step per time, fully assured
That victory awaits as Your reward.
So keep me strong when sorrow knocks
When the eyes of faith seems blinded
By life’s events, flood my heart with hope
And keeping me singing through it all
Knowing without doubt, my Redeemer lives.
O if not for God! If not for Him who keeps me?
Life is impossible without God. Life is unlivable without His grace and mercies. I wake up every day and I wonder, what would life have been like without God? Better not imagined, I must conclude. Thank God for God and for His grace that keeps one going from day to day, from strength to strength, irrespective of life’s events. If not for God? Thank God for God!