This week’s article is an excerpt from my book , ‘Fighting Monsters,’ to celebrate the one year anniversary of its release (June 2015.)
There is wind in my hair; stirring, lifting, seemingly
Scattering curls I set in order, yet it is only spurring,
Bracing each strand to rise and dance to rhythms of life,
Relish songs of nature. How can I be still while the dance
Goes on? How can I be silent and not sing along? Though
I try, to sit cool and calm, the wind ruffles delicate feathers,
Forbids return to my shell; whacks unwillingness, kicks
Laxness, leads me to places I yearn to reach but fear to dare.
Life is a currency to be spent not saved: hoarders are losers.
Discarding fear of chaos and losses, daring intimidating
Uncertainties, braving atypical, courageously and continuously
Trading with each, I am empowered to garner startling gains
And though it be a mixture of laughter and tears, yet only then
Can I say I have truly lived: life is not about orders and borders,
It is living through near misses, messes and successes and having
Fun, devoid of regrets while at it: O that I may truly live!
We aspire to live well, everything safe and secure, so we plan and arrange things the way we think they should nicely flow. Then the winds of life begin to play their tunes that disrupt the rhythms we have already set. We hiss and grumble and struggle to preserve our preferred pattern. We get discouraged because things are not going as planned, frustrated trying to force them our way.
Emotions pile in the process and the unhealthy results are anxiety, anger, discouragement, and dismay. The pressures sit on our nerves and wear them thin. Then, minor upsets that we could have ridden well under normal circumstances lands us in crises. We have allowed ourselves to be worked up by things we couldn’t control. Instead of riding the wind, we have worked ourselves and others up.
The wind blows as it wills and we lose when we try to fight it. Our duty is not to regulate things beyond our control. It is not to figure out things that we can’t. Instead, it is to locate that position of peace in the storm and wait it out. Allowing God’s peace to keep us still when all around is falling apart can be tough but it is the least and the best we can do.
Outside of His peace, life is terrifying and we are ravaged, shipwrecked by disaster God allowed to forge our strength and enhance our skills. Characters are forged in the fury of the storm; our intentions are tested, proven, and strengthened so that whether life goes up or down, our joy remains steady, bubbling over. In overflowing joy, we are strong enough to do right.
The wind, like God’s Spirit, stirs our nest and brings discomfort and restlessness that force us out of our comfort zones to unfamiliar paths. The choice is left to you and me, each day, to either run into hiding and be safely unproductive, or take the risk to step out and face whatever comes, with faith and courage, fruitful at the end of it all. Your life is a reflection of the choices you make.
Order your copy now if you haven’t yet: Fighting Monsters on Amazon