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Every day, we hear of both genders, young and old, taking that irretrievable step to end their own lives. The judgment of those of us who will never understand yield no comfort to heartbroken families. Worse still, when all our soul searching cannot answer that lingering question of why? Recently, a mother was carrying this cross and on Mother’s Day, my friend Gus in spite of his stifling schedule at the time, elected to set aside his own cares and be the vessel, not of judgment or explaining what can never be understood, but a medium that conveyed heavenly comfort to the grieving mother.

To every parent, guardian, sibling, relative, friend even acquaintance who has ever felt robbed by suicide, may this piece wrap you in Abba’s consolation so that thoroughly comforted, you will rest your grief and questions and who knows, maybe become a vessel of comfort to others who may have to carry the cross you already bore. Thank you Gus for being that vessel of Abba’s compassion. And thanks to that wonderful mother who gave consent that her Mother’s Day Gift be shared to encourage others.

Dear God please bless my Mother in a very special way
And please don’t take it personal if she has no time to pray
For a day alone without me is like a thousand years
And on any given day, she’ll cry a thousand tears.

So please Lord I implore you, if you can find a way
That I can send my Mom a note, on this her special day
So God arranged the impossible, for God that’s nothing new
You see He chose a messenger to write my words to you.

The first thing Mom, I want to say, it’s me that holds your hand
On those cold dark lonely, endless nights when you just don’t understand;
Don’t understand why I left way before my time,
Don’t understand why God wasn’t there in “just the nick of time”

But I’m not coming here with answers; (that part we’ll leave to fools)
I’ve come to kiss away your tears and to say that “I Love You!”
You see I know that waking up is the hardest part of your day.
I know I’m in every song you hear and every word you say.

But I want you to remember when you feel life’s relentless sting,
To lean on me, I am your strength; I’m the wind beneath your wings!
And I’ve heard you say quite often that Heaven is my home.
But nothing is further from the truth if I spend eternity alone.

So as you’re thinking of me Mom on your special day it’s true,
I just want to let you know I’m thinking right back at you.
And you know I’m always with you, there in our quiet place,
I’m the sunshine on your shoulder; I’m the wind upon your face.

And after all your friends have spoken, and there is nothing left to say,
And still the pain comes crashing down like a hail storm in May.
Then I pray my words encourage you to “Just Keep Going” on,
And always ‘Ripple the Good Stuff” to other hurting Moms.

So thank you God for moving Heaven and earth to do my part.
For sending these words on Angel’s wings to say what’s on my heart.
And although Heaven is lovely, if it’s all the same to you,
I need to keep an eye on her, and help to see her through.

So please do forgive her God if she forgot about You today,
And please don’t give it a second thought if she found it too hard to pray.
For I’m the one that’s praying on her behalf you see.
That You will guide, protect, and keep her…
Till she comes safely home to me.

Just Keep Going Mom…Until that day! (Penned by Augustus Yepiz)


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