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My father said, “The Good Book said
He who does not work should not eat.”
My mother said, “Even James said
Faith without work is dead.”
Life taught, “Hard you must work
Or else prepare to starve.”
My teacher said, “Hard work isn’t enough
Must add some extra to really make it.”
Thus I worked as hard as I can
And thus life thrived as usual as can be
Until Abba taught, “Key to the miraculous
Is to wholly believe in Him who is above all else
Then trust and obey Him for every step
For even Samuel said, ‘Obedience is better
Than sacrifices of sweat and blood.’ ”


I was sharing with a friend over Thanksgiving and a light switch came on: in the past one year, I have been living off the lavish goodness of my Father! This is a strange experience for someone like me who grew up very independent; always had my dreams and timelines, plus the added responsibility of taking care of those God brought my way. Whether we accept it or not, our lifestyles and philosophies are largely influenced by our beliefs and experiences.

Through the persecution that preceded my conversion at a young age, I learned early to depend totally on God for everything. God was all I had, the only one I could depend on. Though He uses people sometimes, my eyes were never on anyone for anything. Thus I grew into this independent person that worked hard for whatever I wanted and for whatever needed to be done though I never wore my accomplishments. In my world, I am the helper, the giver, the doer – can’t see a need and walk away without lending a hand, can’t sit still with nothing doing. I always had series of things running concurrently and don’t know what it means to be bored. That was my norm but life has been very abnormal for a while now.

It has been very humbling to learn that I do not have to have what I thought I can’t “afford not to have” in order to live the way I desired. Whereas I know that I am who I am today because of Him, it has been humbling to learn that I am where I am not because of what I am able to accomplish. It has been humbling to watch God open amazing doors only He can, to do things I would have rolled away with my eyes as “No, not going that route.” By simple trust and obedience, I have found myself in positions I didn’t expect. In those situations I typically won’t sign up for yet chose to obey, I have been incomprehensibly enriched as I see the hands of God working in me and for me.

I don’t know what beliefs and philosophies your experiences have bequeathed down the years. Some of them are justifiably formed so I am not saying you should thrash them. All I am saying is that until we let God be Father to us, we will not enjoy the privileges reserved for His children. It is hard to depend on the labors of our own hands, it will never prove enough. We are so used to “being adults” we have lost the joy of being His children (for whom the Kingdom is reserved anyway.) Until we let God take His place in our plans and lead the way as the Father who knows and does better; until we voluntarily choose to be offspring who trust and obey this Father that fails not, the miraculous will continue to elude us – that ought not to be. From this week onward, may you trust God like the Father He is and longs to be to us, may you obey His leading, and may you enjoy the fullness of Him who fills all in all to His matchless praise and glory, amen.



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