I was on my own, on my way
He chose to come my way
I didn’t care but He cared too much
To walk away or stay away
I wouldn’t pause but He stopped
To get my attention
I wouldn’t bow but He stooped
Down to where I was
So I could see Him for who He is
So I could see the love He bears
So I could accept His offering
So I could be changed
From what I was
To all I can become
Because He cared way too much
He loved me way too much
To turn away and let me be.
How many of us think we are who we are or where we are because we truly deserve it? It really doesn’t matter what that position is right now or what your estimate is of it, good or bad. Our reality is not where we were some time ago or where we hope to be in time to come. Reality is where we are right now.
To some of us, that reality is amazing we wish we could stretch it for a lifetime. To some others, it is not a pleasant place and we wish above everything else, that change would turn our world around right now. There are many desires in the heart of a man but only the counsel of the Lord prevails. Fortunately or unfortunately as you may choose to consider it, that counsel and its timing are not under our control.
Yet, irrespective of whichever side of the table we find ourselves, we need not the media to remind us that we live in trying times when every shakable is shaking and every fallible is falling so that the enduring will be revealed. Knowing this therefore, we must not lose sight of the love that God has toward us in order to continue in the faith.
That love was not a bundle of wishes, dreams and desires: it was in the nature of God; as true and as real as He is. It was not founded in the ephemeral: its root and its goal is eternal. It did not come cheap: it cost the life of God’s only Son. It held nothing back, it gave all it had, all it could, even when we cared not, in order to reach us where we were and help us find our way to where we ought to be. And if God was so reckless in His love toward us, to the point that He spared nothing to reach us and save us, what will He not do and give in order to help us through the things we face in life? After much consideration, I came to the same conclusion as the Scriptures: He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32)
There is not a need so pricey that God cannot meet. If He has not, it is not because He cannot. This reckless Lover of our souls does not change. Let us not give up our faith which has tremendous rewards for those who bear through to the end. Let us not grow weary with Him or with life. Instead, let us seek His will, follow His path and trust that in due time, God will meet us if not where we expected, then in a better place than we could ever imagine or ask.