I am a cracked-pot! No good to the Potter
To me or to anyone: can’t do like other pots.
Comparing me to others draws shameful tears
Everyone has something special but me; stunning
Sealed, shapely and whole; useful and fruitful.
My prominent parts, the very sources and causes
Of my chronic shame; vulnerable, unsightly holes
Through which every good worth keeping slips.
Attempts to be like others wrought miseries
Trying to fit, I proved a misfit, repelling those
I meant to attract. Worn at last, I gave up.
Lying at His feet, I sought His face, His will:
“Do with me as it seems best in Your sight.
On my own, I am no good, I can’t fit:
Whatever use you can find for one so unworthy
Count me in LORD: I am available to You.
He said, “You are not a mistake, not a misfit
You’re unique, like no other, and as you let Me
I will use you according to your destined purpose.”
I let go, let God. Surrendered, His light burned within
Spreading, penetrating, flooding, filling cold soul
With overflowing warmth of life, attracting attention
I once craved and no longer seek. Lost in wonder
It dawned: I was alive, aflame, aglow: His love within
Shining through my cracks; wonder and splendor
Streaming through cracks I once dreaded and despised
Reflecting the grace of glory as I stood transformed
A vessel of honor: my cracks were no mistakes
Every crack was destined, a vent for His power
A channel of eternal blaze, magnetizing men
Far and near, turning every captured soul
To the Potter with the perfect hands.
Who turns cracked-pieces to masterpieces
Have you ever wondered why people live a lie? It is because they are afraid: terrified that they are not worthy, concerned that they don’t meet up expectations, ashamed of their shortcomings, uncomfortable with the reflection they see in the mirror. They are afraid of the rejection of those they value, those they aspire to be measure up to and be with. Try all we may, we can only be our best when we are who we truly are. Every contrary attempt falls short and yields frustrations.
God made us beautiful and wonderful but life has taught that in an imperfect world, certain aspects of our lives fall short. Unfortunately, our attention neglect all that is great about us and zeros in on the deficiencies. We worry and wish for what is not. Instead of living, we spend precious time aspiring and hankering for our preferences. Distracted by our cravings, we try too hard to compensate, grow discouraged when results are disappointing, and exchange the adventure of living for God and His purpose for a life of struggling, running, hiding and wishing. We fail to see that God makes no mistakes: the very things that appear as flaws to our eyes are points designed for experiencing and manifesting His sovereign power.
We are unable to understand or appreciate the uniqueness that makes us who we are except we acknowledge and align with the Designer and Sustainer of all that we can ever become. God made us for the very best and we only discover that and excel in it when we follow the Manufacturer’s guide. On our own, we can do nothing, just like the pot with cracks all over its body can hold no water. However, when we trust and obey our Maker and Master, He transforms these cracked –pieces into masterpieces He destined us to be. May you look beyond the cracks that are ever before you and gaze into the face of the Potter whose hands are so perfect they make no mistakes. As you focus on Him, may you realize that you are flawless in His eyes, just as you are. May you understand that only when you turn to Him as you are that you can find grace and strength to fulfill His purpose for your life.