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He called, I answered – my obedience undisputed.
He sent, I went and it worked well till storm arose
I expected Him to arise and keep me safe instead
He sat in a corner, dozing like our lives didn’t count

I expected Him to stand up for me, to quell the storm
Before it arose, after all, He is all-knowing, well-able
I expected Him to fight and defeat my enemies before
They got the chance to gang up and mess my hopes

I expected Him to be proactive, not wait till our lives
Were dangling in jeopardy, at the mercy of lesser power
I expected Him to act like God; swift, exact even before
I ask. Instead, He left me at the wheel and went to sleep

Abandoned to evil elements that steered steadily to the edge
Time stood still, our lives precariously nudged to a dire end
He slept, unruffled by pandemonium that rocked our world
Aghast, I ran to Him screaming, “LORD, don’t you care?”
(Inspired by the experiences of the 12 disciples with Christ in a boat during a storm as told in Mark 4: 35-41.)

Have you ever been in that position where you are so disappointed with God and the way it seems He is handling your issues? Like, He is not meeting up. He is not acting like God. There are no words to excuse or defend Him who does not even bother to defend Himself. No explanation is sufficient to exonerate Him from our sufferings. He can do better and we expect so much from Him with whom nothing is impossible. Instead, we battle disappointments at what God is not in a hurry to address in our lives.

Much as we expect signs and wonders from Him, God expects us to know that He is watching over us for good, whether we feel His watchful eyes or not. He doesn’t want us fretting about being swallowed by storms or falling into temptations because He is looking out for us. We don’t have to feel it to accept it. Emotions are transient but faith endures the test of time and circumstances. God expects us to believe that He is there with us and for us. God wants us to trust in His unrelenting and inexhaustible grace though the times we live in may fail us. People and things can change on us but God does not and His desire is that we trust in His unfailing power and rest in His unchanging nature.

Christ in us is our hope of glory as we go through storms and trials that God allows in order to build us into stronger and better believers. There will always be reasons to worry, which is as unprofitable as it is unhealthy. Instead, we are to believe that true to His words, God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear and even in those precarious situations, to know that He has our escape route ready and waiting. This assurance sets our souls in the tone of rest so that whether we abound or are abased, we fear not, we worry not, we just continue to trust, in the ability and faithfulness of the never failing God we serve. May His peace that passes all understanding preserve us through the storms of life.


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