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Your love makes
My world go round
Life is an adventure
Because of You;
I live hopeful
Because You’re here
I wake each day
Because You stir me
I stun challenges
Because You help me
I walk confident
Because You lift me
I am bold
Because You’re with me
I will make it to the end
Because You are there
From beginning to the end
Always there, ever true
No matter my conditions
I live and thrive
Simply because of You!


Food For Thought: Truly, love makes the world spin without wheels. And what wonder, what thrill, we live when love is given, accepted, and returned in generous measures! If you want to see bloom defined, locate someone on whom love is lavished. There are people on whom love is poured but they know it not, see it not, feel it not and appreciate it not. They live in a cage that cannot comprehend what is bestowed. Some people don’t know what to do with love. Consequently, they are reluctant to offer their love to others and suspicious when it is offered to them. Incredible as it may sound, while some are falling head over heels in and out of love, some are lost, not in but with love. At loss with love. The best place to learn love is from God, who made it all, has it all, knows it all, yet refuses to live contented in heaven by Himself. In love, He visited Adam daily in the Garden of Eden. In love, even after Adam fell, He became like Adam, so He can come down to Adam’s level, to give him the love he truly needed to escape eternal damnation. In love He reaches out continually to you and me in spite of our shortcomings. That is love! Teach us to love like You O God, in truth and in deed!

Scripture: The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Psalm 92: 12.

Prayer: Dear Lord, in Your presence, may I live and thrive to Your praise and glory, amen.

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