My eyes are glued to the clock
I try but can’t get it away
My ears drowned by the music
Of its endless ticking
Time is moving, yet here I am
Time has been moving
Yet here I have been
And time will keep moving
And I can’t get myself going
I can’t find a way out
Getting up takes forever
Everything takes its time, its toll
I’m sure we’ve all heard this popular saying, possibly countless times, “No condition is permanent.” When we are neck deep in circumstances we consider overwhelming, there is tendency to feel stuck, like it will last forever. I found myself in a situation where I was without something I truly desired. I had done all I could and it seemed nothing was working, like I’m stuck where I was and the situation will never change. It appeared like there was no way out of where I was and a lot of the things happening around seemed to confirm the prevailing belief that this was it.
In such situations, we are lured to discouragement, to give up, to turn back but patience has its sure rewards. When our attention is focused on whatever it is we think we need, time drags and a million and one things could be happening behind the scene but because we don’t see what we expect, we count it like nothing is happening. We feel delayed, we grow weary, we complain, we quit. And we take ourselves out of the position where we needed to be in order to receive. When we lose patience, we miss out.
Every good thing takes time. And God, who works all things together for good, makes all things beautiful for us, in His time. Not in our time and that is where we miss it most. We want what we want in our time. But God does not serve our wants. He provides what we need at the right time. His timing is never late. His timing is always perfect. And thus in His time, God not only gave me my heart desire, I had more than enough that I had to give up some in order to focus on what I considered priority at the time.
Wherever you are today, whatever you are going through, tell yourself it is only a matter of time. Don’t shove your disappointments under the table because they only eat deeper, leaving us worse off. I have learned that facing our disappointments as they surface, be they with God, with anyone or with the way things turned out, opens the door for us to experience the miracle of healing and the restoration that follows. It might be a long road to our destination, there isn’t much we can do to change some things but we can find things that according to Paul are good, true, pure, virtuous and praiseworthy and focus our energy on: it makes the journey a little easier and time go faster.
Stay away from people who see no hope and thus no way out of where you are – they are dead weights that sink ships. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, who believe that your dream is worth it and that it will come to pass, and consequently support you. Every little help in our down times goes a long way. So also every discouragement delivered by thought or word. Our desire often does not come in our time but in His time. God will not fail because God does not fail: He still works miracles for those who believe and trust to the end.