Today, squandered on “if only”
Births empty and galling tomorrows
Then we turn and blame fate for being unfair.
Every new day rises to bless us with enough.
Ever wanting, always itching and reaching
For more, for what we have not, life sneaks by
Gone before we have lived, the beauty
Of contentment traded for endless contentions
Because we blame the past for the present
And excuse the future, ingratitude limits us.
It is not the fault of what we don’t have yet
It’s what we do with what we have now.
If only will multiply and keep progress at bay
Until we accept who and where we are for now
Not as the ultimate, but as launching pads
To who we can become and where we can reach
If we invest nothing less than our best in today.
For now, where we are may not be perfect
But what we have is enough to keep us going
If only we make the most and get the best of each.
December is here again. A lot of us are already looking back, taking inventory of all that came and went in the year, all we did and couldn’t do for whatever reasons, fickle and genuine. With these evaluations will emerge gratitude or regret, depending in which direction our hearts are tuned. Focusing on the blessings no matter how little, we end up with gratitude no matter the losses we encountered in the passing year; grateful to still be alive, appreciative of what we have. When our focus instead is on what and where we could have been instead of where we are, we feel denied, deprived and that does not generate any good feelings.
Focusing on what we don’t have generates disappointment that leaves us feeling discouraged, despondent if not depressed. And none of these feelings can change what we don’t like for the better, neither can they render to us, what we don’t have yet. It is true that things could have been different, it could be better but reality is that we are where we are and wishing we are where we aren’t isn’t going to get us there. Lamentations may bring relief but complaining changes nothing for the better. Blaming ourselves and others for what is past won’t make it any better or leave us feeling good with ourselves or whoever and whatever we blame.
The power of change does not lie with blaming and wishing and regretting but in accepting where we are and refusing to give up as we take up our stand every new day, to do what we can for the change we desire, for the things we hope for. Forget who and where you were yesterday or years ago, those are past. Forget what you don’t have now. Focus on where you are and what you have right now, channel your energy to making the most of each, be patient with yourself and the process and in a matter of time, you will realize that you have moved so far from where you were, to so much closer if not already at the every hope that once seemed impossible.
As the year rounds up, don’t pack up and thrash your dream because you see nothing happening. Save your dream, time may refine it but don’t let disappointment steal it. It may be delayed but not denied if you don’t give it up. Keep the light burning, keep trusting God who gives life to the dead and calls those things that be not until they become: your dream will live if you shift from blaming and regretting, to appreciating who and where you are today.