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It was a miracle!
But that was yesterday
Today, the miracle’s a norm
And normal is boring
So I am itching
Now I want more
Now I need magic
And I cannot wait
And I cannot be denied


We live in the age of entitlement: everything good is our right until it is no longer good enough. Then we want all things great until we hit that dissatisfaction junction again and want a higher dimension, a better version. It’s just the way we are: humans are never satisfied for that long without the itch for more, for better. What was best a while ago always ends up as ‘no-longer-good-enough.’ It takes loads of discipline to live appreciative of the same thing and discipline is not a popular choice.

We are living in times the economy isn’t doing so well. Consequently, many are left with no jobs. Until you hear the unutterable cry of a father who has no means to provide for his family, feel the pain of a mother whose tireless efforts and shrinking purse cannot match the growing needs of loved ones, watch the unease of a son or daughter unable to be there for those they care about, not because they don’t want to but because they can’t afford to. It is sad to experience and to witness.

Under this same atmosphere, are quite a number who make enough to meet basic needs, those who make a little more than enough to enjoy some luxuries, and some who make way too much for their own good. Among these people of means are so many like the rest of us, who are not satisfied. Why? Because we feel it is not enough? How did we come that conclusion?

For the majority, it is not for want of basic needs. It’s this festering gangrene that is eating deep into the human race: we want everybody to be the same, earn the same, act the same and the sameness we desire is based on our subjective perceptions and conclusions otherwise, it is not good enough. This is an illusion, a mega deception: that we will all ever be the same.

In the name of this pursuit of sameness, we are losing our uniqueness in diversity. Instead, we are constantly comparing, competing to catch up, criticizing and condemning while trying to justify. Our determination to live our dream in an unideal world turns reality to fictitious absurdity and we are trapped, helpless in the middle of it all. The end result is sad but why are we not waking up? Why are we not learning? Why are we not getting past this circle we have been cycling and recycling?

To be continued (March 8, 2019)



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