In this field of life
We’re all playing
And the goal is to score.
Busy, we’re all kicking
Grabbing balls, running
Dropping balls, falling
Standing, we start all over
We’re running, all of us
Grabbing, kicking, running
But where is the goal post?
It is not news that the goal is mixed up for so many of us, and possibly lost to some others. Our standards and aspirations have been redefined by those we envy and emulate. Rather than the transformation that God intends, our lifestyles are conforming to the world because we have been blinded or drawn away from what God has called us to. Our light is lost in besieging darkness and we feel no pressure to shine. Instead, we long to belong so we strive to blend in at all cost. But like I always say, no matter how alike we all look, we cannot all be the same.
Maybe by reading these articles, some of us would wake up from the slumber that leads to destruction, awakening to God’s true calling. If you have been awake or just rousing, we need to find and embrace and pursue our goal: the true goal which is God and God alone. When we pursue every other at the expense of God, we lose God and we lose everything. But when we forsake every other and pursue God with all we are and all we have, we find God and every good and perfect gift that comes with Him.
Who is your goal? Maybe your goal is something or someone but truth is at the end of the day, God is the ultimate goal. And if God is our goal, how do we get there? Or rather, how do we find Him? How do we become like Him to whom we are called?
God has called us through many things and ways but the goal is that God has called us to Himself and the path to being like Him is godliness. How many of us are called to godliness? Sadly, this is not a popular pathway. Whether we like it or not, godliness is the calling upon our lives. And it is not something we do when we feel like. It is not a path we walk when the going is good. It shouldn’t be a path we are forced to walk when we can’t have our way. Godliness is our full time calling. Irrespective of the how and where and when, godliness is the path God has called every one of us to. That is the way that leads Home. That is the way to the Father. That is the will of God.
And this godliness is not our self-fashioned righteousness. Based on my walk with God, my understanding and definition of godliness is: God’s own way of doing God’s will. We have our own will that could get mixed up with God’s will. We have our own way of doing our will and God’s will, whichever we choose. But there is God’s way of doing God’s will and that is what godliness is about. That is the path where we are transformed by the good, the bad and the ugly we come across, more and more into the image of Him in whose likeness we were made. That is the path that leads Home. Every other path leads farther than nearer to Him. What path are you walking your call? As for me and my house, we choose the path of godliness no matter the cost.