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I feel the hastening
Prompting me to dance
To the beats of pressure
Still, deep inside
I sense a sobering
A calling to pause
Be still, a while
What pursues from within
May not change
What awaits out there
May not change
But how I meet and end
With each depends
On who and how I heed.

Did ever live a generation in such a hurry as ours? We rush just about everything! We rush out in the morning and rush back in the evening. We rush living and rush dying. We soo rush growing up and getting there we almost forget to live. We rush into error and once the realization hits, we can’t wait to get out and in our rush to escape, to excuse or quickly correct the error, we dig deeper the grave of our blunders. Rushing through life has cost so many precious lives and still will continue to, yet we hardly learn as we push time, push ourselves, push others and push everything else that won’t go as expected.

We put things in God’s hand but we are in His face every time, bugging, begging, attempting cajoling and whatever we can muster to get Him do what we want about something we supposedly handed over to Him. Fortunately or unfortunately, God is not moved by our plans and schedules. Instead, God is moved by faith that is anchored in His Word and trusts in His timing. God is moved when our faith is resting in Him, not agitated and piloted by pressures and circumstances of life.

We can rush everything and everyone else but God. And until we teach ourselves, or allow temporary discomforts and disappointments teach us to pause, to step back especially if we have done all we can and have resolved to hand it to God to do what we can’t, we are not ready to allow God to step in and do the needful. And God won’t force His way in. God won’t take over what we are running. He will let us do our thing our way until we are ready to turn it all to Him in trusting and surrendered faith. Until then, God won’t step in. Until then, God lets us. Until then, God awaits our sincere surrender. And except we truly yield, the struggle continues.

Not long ago, God taught me that while we claim that we are waiting on Him to do as we have desired and prayed, God is actually waiting for us to step back and let Him. To get out of the way so He can get in and do what we can’t. To step off and let Him take the lead as we follow. If He lands on the issue while we are on it, we could get crushed. Instead of that, our good and gentle Father, who also is a ferocious Lion, waits quietly just as Jesus stands outside of every heart, waiting for us to let go and let God, waiting for us to open and let Him in. Until we are ready to let go and let God, He awaits…. What are you waiting on God for and what may God be waiting on you to do?


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