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The prophet told me a part
The preacher told me another
Yet, it’s all falling apart
I can’t get it all together
I can’t tell God’s will for me.

Welcome to the New Year! Prophecies and proclamations herald the start of every New Year but guess what? The best preachers and prophets can proclaim whatever they want, good or bad, at the end of the day, how we choose to walk with God this year is what will make the difference in our lives. It is in our hands: what we are willing to do or unwilling to risk with God – those are what will determine how this year goes for us. We have that God-given power of choice no one can take from us: what are you choosing and not choosing in 2020? As for me and my house, we choose deeper intimacy with God. Come heights or depths, we want to walk each, hand-in-hand with Jesus.

In our generation of “everything-instant,” it is not surprising to see so many people who put their trust in men and women who claim to know God and His will for us and are thus deceived. Truth is that nobody has more access to God than anyone else. Free and equal access has been given to every believer by grace. The difference is that some use that access more and as a result of use, have developed and matured in their ability to hear, to see and to follow God. Like every gift, knowing and following God gets better as we match our sincere seeking with obedient following, not allowing our mistakes to drain the desire to know and to live God’s will.

Nobody knows it all and nobody should know God’s will for you better than you. It is the same spirit of God working in us all, who uses our trust in God, and obedience to the instructions we have been given, to guide us from what we know to what we don’t know. God may choose to use someone every once in a while but they are not supposed to be telling us what God hasn’t already told us in our secret place with Him. They will not tell us anything new or different from what God has already told us or impressed in our hearts. In fact, from experience, I’ve realized that when God gets third parties involved, He uses them to confirm and to clarify what we have already been made aware of somehow, by His Spirit.

That brings us right back to the genesis of knowing and living God’s will. It starts with our relationship with the One who holds the will we seek to know and live. We find God’s will by seeking – remember it is those who seek that find (Matthew 7:7-8). Revelation of God’s will is just one of the many benefits we end up with in our quest for God. We can’t know God’s will if we don’t know Him. We can’t find His will if we are not seeking to know more and more of Him. How much of God you know eventually translates to how much of His will you will find on that path. And how much of His will you find will depend on how much you have done with the ones you already know.
To be continued (January 10, 2020)


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