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I went out seeking
Seeking not silver or gold
I went out seeking
With all my heart, for God
I found the God I sought
And I found in Him
Those and things more precious
Than silver and gold.

A couple of Sundays ago, I was late to Church because I was trying to finish something the Lord wanted me to get done that morning. As a result, I was unable to go to my favorite sitting position. I found somewhere close to the entry/exit and sat. Praise and worship was already in session when I entered and I got right into it. Not long, I sense the Holy Spirit prompting me to take the hand of the lady sitting to my right. I wasn’t sure about that.

When I entered, I hadn’t looked to see if it was someone I know. With the size of our church, it’s probably someone I don’t know and that would be really embarrassing. In fact, I wasn’t sure which would be worse: someone I know or someone I don’t? I guess because obedience to God has become a lifestyle for me, I reached across, found her hand and held it. Yes, I reached out and took the hand of a stranger with my eyes closed during worship.

With the contact of our hands, came this burden in my heart and I started praying for her. I prayed until that burden lifted and I let her hand go. As I let it go, the Lord gave me a word for her and after worship, I sat down, pondering how I was going to deliver this message to the woman I haven’t been able to look at so I don’t creep her out. I think I held her hand too tight while I prayed with that burden in my heart and I wasn’t sure what she’ll be thinking about this crazy girl. I decided I will save both of us additional embarrassment and write it on a piece of paper, drop with her after church and run off. Anyone who knows me know that I am never without paper and pen. That morning, I found a pen but not the slightest piece of paper, not in my purse or anywhere around. Not even a bulletin or a receipt I could scribble the message on. Thus, I held that pen in my hand throughout service, hoping to find a piece of paper before service ends.

At the end of service, with no paper anywhere around, I had no other choice than to reach for that same hand again, this time with my eyes open, and whispered what God had asked me to tell her. She held my hand tight as the tears dropped. We hugged as people milled about us. It was just the two of us in that world, at that time, irrespective of all the people going back and forth around us. She said, “Thank you. Thank you for listening to God. Thank you for being obedient to tell me.” That was when I opened up and explained the pen in my hand. We hugged and left.

In line with the ongoing subject of ‘Finding and Living Abba’s Will,’ the only way we can find and live God’s will on a consistent basis is as we learn to take our eyes off of ourselves and all the issues around us, and fix our focus on Jesus no matter what. If all we want is what He wants, you’ll be shocked how delighted God is to communicate and use us. If we have learned obedience to His instructions, even when it seems absurd, you will be amazed how flexible we become in His hands, to use as His channels of His love and grace, however, whenever, and wherever it pleases Him.


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