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He told me and I told them
He didn’t really tell me to tell them
But I like to share so I told them
Time I would have spent with Him
Preparing to answer His calling
I spent telling, instead of learning
Now it’s time to fly and I’m flailing

Whereas some people have this problem of keeping everything to themselves, some others have the unique challenge of keeping nothing to themselves. Everything they hear goes to everyone they come across. Nothing is secret, nothing is sacred – they have no understanding of timing or discernment. Saying even good things at wrong times, and in the wrong places carry expensive consequences that often outweigh whatever pleasures we derived from our tale telling. On the other hand, being sensitive to discern when to talk and when to keep quiet, knowing who to pour our hearts to and who not to bother, knowing how much should be said and what should be left alone, can save us lots of drama and trauma.

Other things that hinder our ability to find and consistently follow Abba in His will for us, in addition to disobedience and lack of discernment and chattering include making assumption and jumping to conclusions when God is not done speaking; engaging in exhausting activities thinking that is how God is pleased; leaving little or no room and time to reconnect and communicate with God on every step of the assignment; garnering sympathy and throwing pity-parties, especially when God sends us on those ‘awkward’ assignment that makes no sense to us at the time; by making ourselves the center of the whole deal, forgetting it’s all about God. As far as Abraham was concerned, this was God’s business and he treated it with the sacredness it deserves.

If you want to enjoy your walk with God, keep listening, don’t assume, don’t conclude, be the servant and let God be God. The only reason Abraham didn’t kill Isaac was because he was listening, the same reason why he heard God at such intense moment, the very same reason he could see the alternative lamb God had provided for the sacrifice, and finally the reason he won God’s respect and earned His commendation. Remember the other person God respected? Abel and his sacrifice! All that Abraham offered at the end of the day to win God’s admiration wasn’t even his son, it was his unflinching obedience! The way he went about the whole thing. Any wonder that despite God’s love for sincere offerings, still He esteems obedience better than sacrifices? (Matthew 22:12-14.)

Our lives should be about God, His Word, His voice, His way, His time not our ideas, intuition, assumptions, presumptions and conclusion. It’s not about what we think and feel, or how and when we choose. By pursuing God’s will, we allow Him who made and knows us best to order our steps and guide our feet in the path we should walk. Just like He did with Abraham many years ago, God is not asking us to do the impossible. He’s not prompting us to figure out His will or His way. All He asks of us is simple obedience: that we be watchful and listen so we can follow in His steps. How hard can that be?


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