Slowly but certainly, time is moving
We all, willing or not, must rise
And move along or be left behind
But as you are moving, look around
Find a lonesome heart, take their hand
And move with grace. It may cost you
It may slow you down but nothing beats
The beauty of lifting the fallen around us.
Despite the local and global issues we all have had to deal with, and in spite of how long it took March to march to June, the New Year has reached its seventh month. Time is ticking and moving, too slow for some, too fast for others while there are those who don’t care. Where do you stand? How far have you come from January 2020?
For a lot of us, we are probably not where we expected to be by now. But guess what? The fact that we are alive today, in times when many have died and many others are ailing still, is something to be very thankful for. Life is the greatest of all gifts and once we have it, every other thing will fall into its rightful place at the appropriate time. It may not be how and when we want it but having the gift of life is a sure promise that no matter how tough it has been: it is going to be alright.
If you are alive and healthy, that calls for a greater level of gratitude. It is often easier to focus on all that we lost and don’t have and can’t yet have that we forget to appreciate the things we have which money cannot buy. Life, health, family and friends. Apart from many who have died in the past month, and those who are lying helpless in hospitals or at home, there are many others out there who have no one to call family or friend. Yes, in this seemingly overcrowded world, there are people who are so lonely they have no one to call or talk to. And these people are among us.
In this new month, I want to challenge us to up the level of our gratitude and to look around and reach out to a person. It is easy to give to an organization for a tax receipt but like my friend Gus said, “Let your charity have a face and name today.” Reach out to someone today. You don’t have to give them the world but give them something to be thankful for today. And as you reach out, you can trust that your gift of love will come full circle.