To some, fall is a jailor: see it as a liberator.
Whoever claims you’re the only eye on the head
Of their dreams, the start and end of their hopes:
From such run! Those who stand to savor such
Set themselves against the jealous God
And His glory: idols to be dethroned. When we
Open such doors, fall strolls in as a liberator;
Takes you down, takes you out to set you free
From destiny killers you couldn’t discern
From fatal vanity you wouldn’t escape.
Fall consents to be used – our rescue from folly
Our escape route through humility to safety.
Grieve not the loss of what sets you against God
Grieve not the loss of those you don’t need
Grieve not the loss of those you can’t leave
Such a loss is a gain in disguise, though now
It hurts, you’ll heal, learning, knowing better.
Food For Thought: One of the greatest weapons the enemy uses to disqualify sincere believers from the race is deception. The enemy knows that if it comes with greed, immorality, and the like, we will identify immediately and shoot it down. However, when it comes looking like good, the gullible fall cheaply and are taken out as casualties in a battle they didn’t even realize was on at the time. Sincerity is great to have but married with simplicity, it costs more than it profits. I remember growing up with my parents repeatedly using the proverb which I eventually realized was Scripture that refers to how the prudent see trouble coming and duck but the simple see it as nothing and are slain by the surprise they didn’t recognize. Deception is a killer of destiny, something to watch out for. Everything that appears godly is not God-intended. They appear so but their goal is to lure the righteous from the Father. Even God-ordained encouragements can be misinterpreted and twisted by the enemy into traps that set us against the Father we love and long to please. We need discernment to dissect beyond observation and presentations; to see the root and not be deceived by flaunted fruits; to appreciate and not misuse God’s gifts. The Holy Spirit is ever present to guide the willing and obedient. God’s grace is sufficient to help us if we ask.
Scripture: Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. Psalm 91: 3.
Prayer: Dear Lord, hide me from those and things that may lure my heart away from You and Your ways: hide me under the shadow of Your wings and help me thrive in Your path for my life, amen.