Knocked down, feeling deserted, looking around
Seeking excuses, where to pile the blame: refrain.
You can blame everyone for everything
But if you search sincerely within, you’ll find
Truth, waiting to be found, waiting to help us
Find our feet, guide our steps, in paths that bear
Our names. Leaning on others, we learn to stand
Holding to them, we learn to walk but thinking
We can‘t walk without them, clinging when God
Is calling us away, fearing instead of believing
Reluctant to release what must go, we miss marks
We make and turn a mess. Trusting flesh instead
Of walking faith, choosing transient over Eternal
Turns aids to idols and God will not spare. Fall
Strolls in to deliver: knocks off the crutch so we can
Look up where you ought, take His outstretched hands
And learn to walk one step at a time, with Him.
Seeming mean and unfair, yet fall rescues us
From turning aids to gods, their place a shrine.
Fall rescues worshippers from turning idolaters.
Fall turns a burial ground to a launching pad
Frees from those we thought we couldn’t live without
Frees us for those we were too tangled to aid.
Fall is sometimes a scape goat, a liberator:
Fall comes to set the captive free.
Food For Thought: We naturally tend to cling to whoever and whatever good that comes our way. God has not called us to cling, He has called us to live free and flexible, able and ready to go as He calls and do as He pleases – that is what our faith is about. We live, not for self or for the world and its passions and pursuits. We live for God; His will, His way, and His time. There are people God has used to help us to whom we tend to cling. From experience I have learned that every relationship serves a purpose; some for a while, some for a season, and others for life. When we try to force permanence out of the temporal, it turns toxic and harms what it once protected. Wisdom teaches us to discern the seasons and purpose for each; to enjoy the gifts that God brings our way and to learn to release when it is time to go. Clinging, many have been confused by the change in tides, and damaged by what once healed and helped. To spare us from such, God orchestrates events that appear unpleasant, to tear us away from what we wouldn’t surrender on our own. We may grieve but we will heal. We may lose at the time but it is for a greater good, for a greater gain.
Scripture: He sent from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters. 2 Samuel 22: 17.
Prayer: Dear Lord, as I open my heart to receive the help You send to me, may I also help others in Your name without clinging or stealing, and tampering with Your glory, amen.