Are you troubled, tired, sick, in lack?
Is your back aching like mine
From carrying too much for so long?
Do your feet hurt as bad as mine
From endless seeking and searching?
Is your hope as forlorn as mine
From waiting and watching
For the same thing that appears elusive?
I found a way, I found relief:
To ease my fears, I cast those cares
Upon Him who loved me enough
To die for me: in trust, I stand with Him
Borrow His eyes and ears and faith
Alas, I see – things are not always
What they seem; where the mind
Sees impossible is only a turn
I have to make with God.
Food For Thought: There was once upon a time when as an intercessor, I would not only pray fervently about peoples’ needs, I would take it way farther, seeking to meet those needs. Over time, I was overwhelmed by too many burdens while mine were suffering, unattended. I juggled all the balls until I could handle no more and flopped. Then the Lord began to teach me about limits. We wear ourselves out trying to do what God should do. Every role has its limits and when we don’t respect those lines, we draw unnecessary attention where people see us as their help instead of God and word goes round, increasing the load. We are called to be like God but not designed to be God. No matter how much we try, we can never meet the needs of humanity. I learned, to lay every burden, mine and those of others, where they truly belong: at the feet of the Master. Jesus is the only one who can carry all of our burdens without wear and tear. He is able and He will if we leave them for Him. He won’t drag them out of our clutching hands. He lets us if we choose to lug them by ourselves. He will be there when those very burdens wear us out, to teach us what we need to know in order to serve Him better. If you are feeling overwhelmed, maybe it’s time to set it all down at the feet of the Master and enjoy His sweet relief.
Scripture: Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12: 2.
Prayer: Dear Lord, whatever comes my way, may I readily cast my cares on You, and rest my hope in You – the God who works all thing for the good of those who trust in Him, amen.