Events can be dramatic, traumatic
Perception makes all the difference.
How you view ordains what you see.
Where you stand rules your focus.
What you see feeds your feelings
How you see, your utterances:
Change your stand today if you must
Find God’s position and stand along;
Not ahead and not behind, so you can
See clear, speak well and live true.
Food For Thought: I have seen enough to learn that one cannot build a stable life based on the view of others especially about us. Nobody knows you like you. Nobody knows you like God. God has surrounded us with diverse connections to enrich our lives and relationships. We miss it when we make those relationships the cornerstone of our relationship with God. God is the Chief Cornerstone of our lives and His Word is the means through which He communicates His will to us. Every relationship therefore must be guided by His Word. When we appoint men in the place of God, they influence not only our relationship with God but also our views of life and its events. Majority of the times, men turn into idols when we chuck them in the place of God. That never ends well. Our interactions are meant to nourish our relationship with God not rob or diminish it. We are fully responsible for the decisions we make; the place we give to God, and the position we allocate those He brings our way. When we let God order our interactions, our lives are enriched and fortified and our quest to be like God is enhanced by those ordained relationships. However, when like reeds, our interactions are driven by human opinions, we are bound to pay dearly at some points as they influence our positions, observations, and reactions. Let God order your steps and interactions each day.
Scripture: Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I choose today, to stand with You, to stand for You, in all thing, at all times, so help me God, amen.