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He is God the Almighty
Creator of all created;
Invisible, eternal, immortal,
Ever living God, ever reigning King
But of His own choice, He set aside
All that made Him God, He stepped
Down, became not like man,
He became Man to save man;
The invisible allowed Himself
To be arrested, the Judge allowed
Himself to be condemned, the King
Allowed Himself to be unjustly ruled.
Who would ever imagine; God bound
Mocked, slapped, blindfolded
Immortal accused, abused, flogged by mortals
God kicked and cursed and asked to guess
God weak and in need of help
God naked and nailed on a tree
God thirsty, needing salvation
God bloody, battered and bruised
Divinity humiliated, hurting, weeping:
Who would have imagined that God
Would bring Himself so low;
Who would have imagined
God killed to save the doomed
Who would have imagined
God dead and raised to life everlasting
Yet it is not folklore, this is reality;
God became man so man
Could become like Him.

Food for Thought: In my frailty as man, I cannot stand to be insulted. God prepared all the way from heaven in the person of Christ and came to be insulted; to be rejected by those He came to show acceptance; to be hated by those He came to love; to be condemned by those He came to save; to be killed by those whose life He sought; buried by those He came to lift; and given up on by those He couldn’t give up on, for whom He came all that way and bore all that. Any wonder some people can’t believe the reality of this story of salvation? Such humility is impossible with man. That God could so humble Himself is difficult to grasp. Yet those things that are impossible with men are reality for God. Only those who believe can therein find salvation. May you believe that you may receive the wondrous blessings of Christ’s death and resurrection.

Scripture: Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. Titus 2: 14.

Prayer: Dear Lord, it is difficult to imagine what You have had to take and continue to take to be with Me: help me to appreciate Your sacrifices and honor Your Presence in me as I live by faith in You, amen.

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