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Almighty: ever-living God of all ages
Stepped down from an everlasting throne
Bowed, set aside robes of eternal royalty
Adorned corporeal garbs of humanity
Willingly, He handed over sovereignty
Content to step away from perpetuity
Bound by time and space, a matter
God vulnerable to human schemes
God naked to mortal eyes, sneaking away
God caught, contained and prone to pain
God hiding, shedding sweat and tears
God with a death sentence on His neck
God accursed, hanged, dying on a tree
God dead, buried, confined in a tomb;
God, blood, corpse, grave, guards
Why would Creator allow creation such?
Only this God can. What a God!

Food for Thought: When I ponder the fullness of the price of the cross, I cannot but exclaim, “What a God!”

Scripture: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1: 1

Prayer: Dear Lord, You are amazing, way beyond understanding, nevertheless, may I never tire in seeking to understand and become, more and more like You, amen.


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