When I failed, death was my penalty
When they came for me, You stood
Out, You stepped forward, spoke up
“Take Me and let him go:
His debt is mine, My life for his
Set him free and let him go.”
Thus I, whom the Son set free
Am free in truth and in deed.
Today I celebrate the liberty
You handed to me on Golgotha.
That day when You said, “Let him go,”
I am the one that ran away.
That day You were arrested, a criminal
I was the one that walked away.
Food for Thought: Christ did not come to save the world. Christ did not die for the world. It was for me He came; for me He died; for me He lives forever more. Yes, I am the one that was saved by His death.
Scripture: For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthian 5: 21.
Prayer: Dear Lord, knowing that I am the one that walked away free the day You were taken, may I relish the beauty of such a glorious life that I now have in You, because of Your eternal sacrifice for me, amen.