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The greatest confusion on earth
Is not dispersion of disorder
It is proliferation of gods
By chaotic creators, monarchs
Clueless of limits, careless of ethics
For how can these gods be peaceful
When they are fashioned and feted
By vain hearts and violent hands?
Gods abound,
just like their makers
But there’s One w
ho created all.
While others preach sloppy peace
Tit for tat, or vengeful wickedness
There’s One who commands forgiveness
Not o
nce, twice or every once in a while;
As often as is needful, to one and all
Even before the offender repents
Even though the offender never asks:
This God demands we deal forgiveness
To offenders, like we expect of Him
This God stands out – towering above all
The one and only
Creator that wasn’t created
The fiercest and most tender and merciful!

Food For Thought: Do you still wonder why so long ago, God was actively warning humanity to desist from a business that is outside their scope – creation of gods? There are more gods than there are tribes and tongues on earth and that is not all. The creation and modification of these gods continue to proliferate. Some are international, some are local, while the household and personal gods are countless. As the end draws nearer, these creations and modifications will not abate. Even those who call upon God have several others by the side. Many of us have made ourselves into gods that must be obeyed, gods that may not be dared, doubted or questioned. Even as fallible as we are! Some deliberately worked themselves into the position of gods while others became and are becoming gods without realizing it. In this season of repentance, each of us must return to the home of our hearts and begin to examine, to identify all the mini and mega gods we have created, fashioned for various purposes, hidden in diverse locations; to expose them for what they truly are; false gods, self-made gods, lame and deaf and dumb, unable to do anything that we don’t help them do. It is time to surrender them to the Almighty’s consuming fire. That is not the kind of god we need. It is time to confess and surrender to the only, true and ever living God. He alone stands tall above all others, the Creator that was not created. The only God who believes and preaches forgiveness – the God of second and many chances, that forgives and accepts us as many times as we are ready to repent and return. It is time to surrender these god-making and unforgiving tendencies, to surrender our lives and our all to Him in truth and indeed. It is time to turn fully and serve the Lord in singleness of heart, with all that we are and all that we have.

Scripture: And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Matthew 6: 12.

Prayer: Dear Lord, sometimes, some things are not easy to let go; nevertheless, help me to release at Your feet, everyone and everything knowing that in each release, is my freedom, my healing, and as I return, may I esteem You as the only God who alone is the Creator of all that was and is and ever will be, amen.

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