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O God, what an open mystery You are:
So good, firm, g
enerous yet accountable
Boundless mercies devoid of weakness
Faithful, able; ever true, strong and mighty
All endearing, yet able to deal due judgment
Trustworthy and true, so loving and gracious
Yet ever so fierce; 
God the Almighty, close
To the lowly. 
God the all-knowing, so forbearing
God whose throne is above all yet loves to dwell
In houses of clay. 
God of angels and saints yet
Interested, invested, in mere men like me.
God all-powerful y
et so forgiving, understanding
Accommodating m
y weakness. God the mystery
Behind incomprehensible creation yet God I see
And touch and know i
n everyday places of my life.

Food For Thought: My dad would say that love at face value or from a distance is mere attraction, infatuation that quickly withers away when the wind blows to expose the disagreeable, not to mention the unbelievable. He summed it that for love to stand the test of time and tides, it must have depth, it must have weight and both are gained by knowledge, which may be shaken and surprised but not easily uprooted. To love deeper, we have to know better; the more we know, the better we are empowered to love. Being raised with that, I knew the way to grow my love for God was to learn all I could of Him. To love God deeper, I had to know Him better and so began my quest to understand God. Many years have come and gone. I have invested to increase the breadth and depth of my knowledge and understanding of God. Yet, the more I learn about God, the more I come to know that God is way beyond the knowledge that our capacity as humans can contain. I have watched that capacity grow astronomically. I have felt that capacity stretched beyond imagination, yet daily I am compelled to acknowledge that God is way beyond what our humanity can contain. That doesn’t leave me disappointed as I continue to crave and to press in, to know Him more. Instead I am comforted by the words of a man who must have felt what not only me but a lot others wearing this clayey clothing must be feeling, “For now we know in part, but a time is coming when the threshold that restrains our knowing would be forever lifted, then we will be ushered into the fullness of boundless knowing and living.” (1 Corinthians 13: 8-9 rephrased in my own words.) Until then, may we be content and grateful to grow daily in our knowledge of this God who surpasses knowledge.

Scripture: “Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?” Job 11: 7.

Prayer: Dear Lord, be it in the light or in the dark, may Your ways not appear as mysteries to my eyes: may I see and know and follow the paths that You walk, amen.

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