Slavery is norm when we know no better
Deliverance without direction ends in
Deeper enslavement. Though accompanied
By wondrous signs of His sovereignty
When we escape, wearing greedy and speedy
Expectations of crossover, safe arrival,
Luxurious continuation and compensation
For the sufferings of past, we miss the mark.
Before possession are lessons to be learned
Battles to be fought and victories to be won.
Enduring boons are not on the instant menu:
We must learn to wait, to trust, to try, to fail
To win our losses and wean our victories.
God won’t lead where He can’t deliver;
When He leads, risks don’t count. He’s able
To settle us in peace, safety and plenty
If we follow willingly with courage, ready
To learn, to stand, to fight until we win.
Food For Thought: Sunday morning found me searching frantically for my music sheets. I knew exactly where I left them after practicing the previous night. I saw the wind blow them off but I knew they were safe where they ended up. Severally that morning, I went through the same space, searching for the very sheets I saw a few hours ago and there was not a sign of each. That was alarming, there was no way they would have left that vicinity. I was running late to consider going to print off another set and I didn’t want to show up in the worship team asking for who has extra sheets. This time around, I determined I must find them so I turned up everything lying in that area and there they were, in the very place I had searched like thrice, covered by another piece of item. I walked away that morning knowing that nothing defeats the power of determination. Monday morning, I’m on my desk and a friend stops by to share a story of how everybody advised her that weekend about something that was accepted as undoable. She decided she had no choice but to do it anyway and after several attempts, she got through. The same thing that was already concluded as impractical was done. Impossibilities bow before determination. When we leave ourselves choices, we are bound to shift attention to other things if what we seek doesn’t go as expected. However, when we go at the proclaimed impossible with determination, excluding alternatives, possibilities cheer our efforts.
Scripture: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.
Prayer: Dear Lord, when I am prone to doubt and fear, let Your Word within arise, kick my fears, boost my faith so that I walk every step with You, confident that the end is for the greater good, amen.