Have you reached a dead end?
Ok, stop but don’t turn and run.
If you ran, rethink and return.
Don’t lament but if you did
Wipe the tears and take a stand
It’s time to dare the dreaded!
Take your eyes off the dead
And look beyond the end:
Look up to the ever living God
Who has no beginning or end
Look long enough until you see
That what the living label dead
And what natural eyes see as end
Is only a new beginning
When you stand on the Word
Look with God, through lens of faith.
Food For Thought: There have been times I came to that place where you need all the encouragement you can get to escape. Typical response is that men would look at you and draw conclusion that your case is finished, “You obviously can’t go beyond here. It’s not that bad, just take it and settle okay.” The nice ones will pass the other way so they won’t have to waste their resources trying to change what can’t be helped. The ones who actually care and from whom you expect, perhaps words of encouragement, will take the lead tossing you in and nailing the coffin. Why? Because they think they know your story. They know your limitations and with what they know, they conclude you can’t make it this time. In such times and at such places, only those who know their God will be strong enough to not only climb out of the coffin, they will get away and go so much farther than ever expected. They are the ones the same discouraging friends will tell their stories of wonder, “See what God has done for him! See what God has done for her!” If you are ever truly going to make it in life, you must learn to discover where God stands and stand with Him irrespective of consequences. Until you hear Him, don’t write off your story and when you hear, don’t think of what others will make of your steps. Trust and obey the Lord. Follow closely the God of wonders and your story will be a wonder to men who are so quick to conclude when God is just starting.
Scripture: Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43: 19.
Prayer: Dear Lord, whatever I do, at whatever points I find myself, let my goal remain, to please You in all I do, amen.