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Willingness is the fuel of progress
Readiness the gear it engages to drive away from past
And all that made it great, through present moments
Past pressures and prospects, alive in now, active, riding
ontinually, undeterred by uncertainties, undaunted
By unknowns, r
iding on and riding strong, rising
Despite turns and breaks, mixing hope and willingness
Firing relentless into future, leaving behind every day:
Those whose dreams and desires refuse to leave the past
hose who are blind to future- living in and for the past
Those who t
hink past was best of them, the best for them.

Food For Thought: Different standards exist by which a lot of people and things are rated. Ask around and you will be shocked how people around you and those outside your sphere define progress. To some, it may be earning more money. To others, it may mean more time spent with family and friends or doing what they truly want to do: empowerment be it through education or promotion: being recognized and accepted where you feel you should belong. Don’t be shocked, someone may define progress as ability to wake up every morning, hale and hearty, to go out each day and return whole, to be able to achieve something desired or more, visit dreamed destinations, and attain aspired goals. The definition could be tied to once in a lifetime accomplishments or every day developments, external push-ups or internal reckonings, celebrated events or treasured moments. Different people define their progress in different ways. Whatever your definition of progress is, don’t fail to connect it with growth and mobility, willingness and hope, present and future.

Scripture: Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead . . . . Philippians 3: 13.

Prayer: Dear Lord, the past may be alluring but today is all I have: help me to live today in present tense, amen.

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