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God is not a man we can
Pressure to lie or fool for attention
Escape, support, or admiration.
He never says what He can’t do
Every Word He utters is true.
Every promise assured, guaranteed.
To receive, we must believe
That God is; that God can
That God is able, that God will.

Food For Thought: Oftentimes, we judge God based on our own deficiencies and inefficiencies. We get carried away in our ways and assume that God is like us; like our parents, our bosses, our leaders, who can be forgetful and influenced to shift their positions. If only we can fully grasp that not only is God not man, He is not like man. He is not like any of us who are bound to be swayed by circumstances, persuaded by emotions, veered by events, prompted by momentary changes, motivated by the impressive, biased, confused, at loss. No, that is definitely not Him. God’s character is set, His nature unchanging. When He says it, He does it and no matter what we do, we can’t make Him say what He didn’t or do what He won’t. We can’t even make Him do what He said, how and when we want it. Our role is not to determine God or dictate for Him. It is not to tell Him what to say and what not to do and when and how. Our place is to find where God is and take our position with Him. Our place is to know that God is God and not man, to believe Him, receive His Word, trust His integrity, and follow in His steps.

Scripture: For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. 2 Corinthians 1: 20.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I know that You are Truth and there is no lie in You: may I doubt my doubts, and when all else is shaken, may my trust in You remain steadfast, amen.

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