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Not when we stand commanding
Not when we kneel demanding
Not even when we fall requesting
But in whatever position we find ourselves
We look up to Him with a heart that declares
“Abba, what are You doing here?
I don’t understand: help me get it
Help me because I want to line up
Help me because I want to stand with You.”

The church is so used to, “I was barren and boom! I became pregnant and here is my baby praise God!” “He was sick, I laid hands on him and prayed and next he was on his feet dancing, hale and hearty!” Without despising instant miracles that God performs as He pleases, permit me to mention that faith shines the brightest when we keep it burning while walking through the valleys of death and alleys of losses that are not instantly recoverable from.

While some are doubting their faith and questioning God because things are not going as expected, true faith is often not in what is said but more so in the withheld. While there are those who are going about claiming what they want and getting upset that God is not answering their prayers, true faith is accepting, looking to God with this confidence that no storm can shake. Whereas some are demanding and commanding God to do their will, true faith enters the place of surrender and instead of jumping to conclusion, is seeking that detour so they can continue this journey that must be finished by His grace.

That was the faith the woman of Shunem (2 Kings 4:8-37) demonstrated as she made her way toward the God who never fails. The Prophet saw her from a distance, sent his servant to find out what the matter was but this woman’s faith rose before the servant and proclaimed, “It is well!” She understood that this business is not with her child, her husband, neighbors and brethren, those she passed on her way, and not even the servant of the Prophet. She held her peace until she got to the Prophet and then she poured out her heart. Many of us are confused because we stop at every sign and tell whoever cares to listen what they don’t really need to know. In course of those unnecessary narrations and revelations, we get distracted, discouraged, depressed and knocked out. But not this woman. She knew where her solution lay: do you know where your answer lies?

If we do, then despite all the storm shakes and takes away, our confidence in God must be guarded jealously and our focus should be on finding available routes so we can continue our journey. Giving up where we fell says a lot about our faith. Making the effort to stand up and find the way of escape that God has made through besieging troubles says a lot more about our faith. And while taking that detour, what are we saying? Are we speaking what God has spoken or are we repeating what the storm and the enemy has said? The things we say when we have been struck by unexpected storms of life truly present a picture of our faith. The things we speak while going through the storm will influence how we emerge from the storm: bettered or battered. May God help us.


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