When I insist on my way
I turn out a monster even I
Fear to recognize, dread to befriend.
When I let go and let God
He reaches deeper than eyes can see
Works more than tongues can tell
Does more than minds can imagine:
Working wonders all the way
Such overwhelming wonders.
At peace, gratitude swells
As I behold the wonders of Christ
In this earthen clay. My worship
Flows to the perfect Prince who
Captured and transforms my heart:
Words will never be enough . . .
This life will never be enough
Appreciation for the God
Who works wonders in mankind.
Food For Thought: We all bear a million and one labels that sometimes, some are so buried in the pit of pressure that we forget; husband/wife, father/mother, son/daughter, brother/sister, uncle/aunty. Those are just family related labels. Add professional and communal and you can see that we do have more than a handful to grapple with per time. Shuffling through life, trying to live the best of each label can be a harrowing experience. Trying to be and do it all to earn Jack/Jill of all trade and master/mistress of all can equally turn us into what we truly are not and were not meant to be. Attempting to be everywhere leaves us appallingly absent in the very places that demand our primary attendance. When, if we eventually get there, we are too spent to be who we should or do what we ought. Efforts to be there for everyone leave us too drained to be any good in the very things that require our chief attention. We are not alive to answer to the stresses and pressures of life. We are not living for family, friends, work and wealth. If it were so, we will have no life without those. Whether we are alone or surrounded by loved ones, whether we have a job or not, are rich or poor, old or young, educated or not: we live for God. When we get our relationship with God right, He aligns every other for good and meets associated needs better than we ever can on our own.
Scripture: Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite. Psalm 147: 5.
Prayer: Dear Lord, may my heart continually bow, in adoration, in worship, to You, my Lord, my King, amen.