Why do I worry, why do I struggle
Why do I fight Your work in me
Why do I resist Your hands on me?
I’ve seen enough to know You care
I know You won’t lead me astray
Yet I fear to surrender all
Yet I doubt and worry still:
He drew closer, stooped –
Our eyes level as He spoke,
“When your eyes are on the tools
You fear they’ll hurt and harm
No matter who handles it.
Your eyes should be in My eyes;
When you look in My eyes
You’ll see what I see
When you look in My eyes
Faith chases fear and doubt
With eyes on other things
Fear crowds faith and you doubt
With eyes on times
Fear chokes faith and you fight
What you should embrace.”
Food For Thought: Have you asked yourself, “Why do I worry?” Can you present any evidence to back up the benefits of worrying? I dare like David to say that since I was young up until now, I am yet to see one benefit for my worries except for the constant greying of my hairs, which at this rate I do not count a benefit. I have learned again and again, the uselessness of worrying and yet, I have not given up that unprofitable profession. Not like I deliberately and consciously decide that, “Guess what, I’ll worry myself to death today!” It just happens. Like slumber, worry creeps in when we are least aware. By the time you realize it, you are already consumed by the very thing you know you should not be engaged with. While some go out of their way, with hooks and lines, fishing for worry, it sneaks in on those of us who are determined that come what may, we will not worry. We start out okay and by the end of the day, it dawns that a significant part of that day has been wasted on worry that changes or mends nothing. When our attention is distracted by transient issues of life, we are swept off our feet by worry. It takes concerted effort, driven by active faith to keep our eyes on God alone who is our Source and Guide. It takes a moment-by-moment commitment to trust God who alone is eternal and unmoved by all the movables in our lives and environment.
Scripture: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1: 18.
Prayer: Dear Lord, give me eyes that see Your will, find Your way, and follow through bright and dark times, amen.