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There is a voice speaking
A small voice, persistent
That wailings of fear can’t silence
“Trust Me, have faith, fear not.
I made you, I know better
My workings are for your good.
For all that concerns you
My plan will prevail.
You are who you are today
Because I gave what you needed
Not what you wanted
Not when you wanted it
You will become all that you should
Because I will always be there
Giving what you need
When, how best you need each.”

Food For Thought: I recall a friend in one of my classes in elementary school who gets to go on vacations in different locations, with her mum and dad separately because her parents were divorced and lived in different towns. My own parents were best friends, never apart so vacations were all of us herded together. I prayed for a very long time, “O God, please let my parents get divorced so I can get to visit with each differently.” If God answered all our prayers! Today, it might appear the foolish prayer of child but at that age, it meant the world to me. Same goes for us irrespective of our ages and stages in life: we always want what we want for reasons that make sense at the time and given where we are. Unlike us, God works with purpose. He doesn’t give what we want otherwise He will do nothing else but give and un-give and give again and un-give the same thing again as we change with time. The things we deem as failure, pain, loss, delay, denial, and disappointment today are all the churning of His purpose, even in our ignorance. We only go, “Aha!” when it all comes together in the end. Despite our desires, God works with our hearts, with time, to ensure that we have all that we need to get to where we should be and do what we ought, as we trust and obey Him.

Scripture: Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28: 20.

Prayer: Dear Lord, may the assurance of Your ever abiding presence preserve my heart from doubts and fears and foolishness, amen.

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