To the living, growth is essential
As death is to stillness, so life is for growth
Whoever resists growth won’t grow tall
Whoever resists growth won’t stand still
They regresses, dying in inches, rotting in bits
For death abounds where growth is lacking
Death prevails where growth is denied
Such is life – for living, for the growing,
Never stagnant: life never leaves you alone
And you are never grown enough.
At every point of our pilgrimage
We are living or we are dying.
Where are you today, growing or wilting?
Food For Thought: In terms of mobility, we have choices, to move forward or backward, and sometimes we choose a spot – standing or sitting. However, when it comes to living, the choices are not as many. In fact, there are only two options for the living; growing or dying: we make the choice, reality responds with consequence. Life provides opportunities, we choose what to make of them. Depending on our choices, we grow as we learn. Like a tree, we can tap the nutrients hidden in the soils of our experiences and use those to grow. Evidence of growth is maturity; deep roots, strong stem, firm branches, green leaves, colorful flowers, enduring seeds. Any tree that is deprived of nutrients doesn’t just stand there and mope, it begins to die; the flowers dry and fall off before they can develop into fruits, the leaves turn brown and drop, the branches wither and break, the stem dries up, bows down, and dies. Our experiences hold nutrients essential for our development and advancement. Our attitude influences our choices and our decisions determine our end.
Scripture: Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. John 15: 2.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I long for You, I long for life, I long for growth: lead me through each process and bring me out triumphant in the end, amen.