The goal of grace
Is to make us like Christ
The goal of Christ
Is to plant us in the Word
The goal of the Word
Is to save us from the world.
For this purpose Christ came;
To restore us to the Father
To make us one with God
Every other goal is secondary.
Food For Thought: Why is it that good news are rarer these days? Turn on the television or radio and it’s doom and gloom everywhere. How many of us stop to identify the goal of the diverse news that make the rounds daily? Check out their impacts; discouraging, disappointing, depressing, turning people into cynics and pessimists. And we call all of that reality. I’m not soliciting that we shun reality but how come the same avenues that trumpet the evil turn blind, deaf and dumb where good news are concerned? Because it doesn’t sell as much as the terrible news they say. And what does that say about our itching ears? We sit back and wonder why people are so discouraged and depressed and acting weird. About the terrible news floating around, there may not be much you and I can do but we can make a difference by sharing good news that inspire faith and courage, news that cheer the sad and empower the weak, news that lift up the downcast and bring hope to the forlorn. That is the news I want to spread; the news of grace and salvation and deliverance and bliss for all who tune into the station of the King of all the earth.
Scripture: Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” John 18: 37.
Prayer: Dear Lord, in all I do, from this day onward, may my goal become, to please You, in Your will, in Your way, amen.