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Estimations and expectations sway.
ctual and perceived don’t often match;
Those who underestimate their values
Bear inferiority complex
Those who overestimate theirs
Suffer superiority syndrome
And those uncertain of their rating
Like feather, are blown about
By times, things, and those whose
Uncertainties in themselves
Cannot certify the value of another
But those who know their true worth
Wear courage with grace, humility
Atop confidence and such patience
Unruffled by transient winds:
What are you worth?

Food For Thought: The world and humanity tend to tag us based on our experiences. They judge based on what they see and hear, their conclusions hardly farther from what they think and feel. You really can’t blame them because that is all there is to life to the world and the majority milling around. However, faith teaches of life that is way beyond sights and sounds and thoughts and feelings – life that is much more than here and now. That is the life to which we are called. Life whose Source is not the world and what’s in it. Life whose substance and sustenance is eternal. That is the life that Christ’s death purchased for us: life that transcends times and things, not this rotting existence that is passing away. That is the true life and how much of that life that we receive and live actually determines our true worth.

Scripture: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3: 16.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I may not amount to much on scales of the world but I know that to You, I am so highly valued that You decided to sacrifice Your only Son to save me: may I live, content, in Your value for me, amen.

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