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They said I was useless
They said my time was past
The said I will never rise again
Still in the end, where I end depends
On if I choose to believe what those
Who know me not enough said
Or if I choose to believe what He
Who made and knows me well said.

In 1 Samuel 1, Hannah, a woman weighed down by the issues of life escaped into the house of God to heave down the killing weight she was lugging around and pour out her heart to God. While she was at it, the priest took one look at her and concluded she was a sinner! Drunk and misbehaving in the house of God! “These fools – no respect for God or His house!” Fired up by his indignant judgment of this woman, the priest marched up to her to serve his verdict of condemnation. “How long will you be drunk? Put your wine away from you!” (1 Samuel 1:14.) The priest labelled a broken-hearted worshipper a drunk! What have you been labelled by those in authority? Who are the people you are allowing to speak into your life? What are they saying? What are they calling you?

Without realizing it and without meaning to, we unconsciously imbibe and become whatever we are called, especially if we don’t actively reject them. Some people take offense and walk away, putting distance between them and those who label them but until you deal with the name you have been called, it will follow you no matter the distance in between. Hannah was not silent or accepting of the label that was put on her. She did not get aggressive for being named what she is not. Neither did she turn away from God and put her problem on her accuser. And most importantly, she didn’t turn away from God and church and put her problem on her accuser irrespective of their position.

The summary of her response was simple, respectful, and straight to the point, “Sir, I am not a drunk. I am deeply troubled, you have no idea. But this is between God and I.” People are often quick to label us because of our circumstances and conditions we can’t help. What labels are they tagging on you because of where you find yourself? What names are they calling and mocking you with? Guess what? Your problem is not what you are being called, it is how you are responding to the names and labels. Your reactions present pictures of your faith. Are you fighting, blaming, and calling them names just as they are doing to you?

Have you allowed people who have no idea of who you truly are and of what you are dealing with turn you away from the God who can and is willing to help you? Are you quietly accepting the labels and silently breaking under their weight? Have you allowed people who think you are unworthy become your problem and priority, pushing aside the God who alone can change what neither you nor they can? Are you steadfastly and honorably dismissing the names without getting distracted or taking your eyes away from the One who alone can help what we can’t help? When the snapshot of your faith is taken amidst the labels and names you are called, what shall we see? Despite how lowly she felt, in that very moment, with Eli standing and accusing, the picture of Hannah’s faith was as great as it could be because faith is not what they said: it is what God says. Faith doesn’t depend on our condition: it is who we are despite what we are dealing with. May God help us.


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