With inexplicable mercies
God daily bathes us
With unjustifiable graces
God daily dresses us
With indescribable joy
God greases our hearts
With irrepressible laughter
God fills our mouths.
Humanity is never
weary of wanting
But daily, in wondrous ways
God satisfies the righteous:
In everything, at every turn
God beautifies the righteous
No matter the odds against.
Food For Thought: While some of us are waiting for some mighty signs and wonders to confirm God’s faithfulness, I have learned to look for God in the little things of everyday life; in routines that could be boring, in weathers I can’t control, in the sun that smiles down from day to day, in a flower that reveals beauty beyond human craftsmanship, in the seemingly meaningless gurgles of a child, in stoic forbearance of tragedy, in impulsive exclamations of praise, in noisy clamors of times, in quiet wonders of life, in the good, the manageable, and the terrible: I look out for God’s finger. When I can’t see it, I trust and wait, knowing it is somewhere not far from here: God is always in the now. Though He was in our past, though He will be in our future, God is always in our present. Every time, everywhere we are, the God who was, who is, and who ever will be, is always with us. That assurance should preserves us in His peace as we look out for His minute wonders concealed in everyday routines. And whenever you find one, never take it for granted because every grand event had a little beginning that was appreciated.
Scripture: Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. Lamentation 3: 22.
Prayer: Dear Lord, as Your mercies wash over me, day after day, may I reach out to others, with the same mercy, the same glory, with which You have beautified my life, amen.