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The chosen know who they are
And what they are not; they are righteous
Not because they are without fault –
Someone paid the price in advance.
They are saints not because they are sinless
They are accepted, beloved of the Father.
They are godly not because they can
They carry the seed of God within.
Though they doubt, they fear, they fret
They get carried away, make bad choices
Yet bad they are not, because God says so.
Abba calls them chosen; peculiar, holy,
Royal, redeemed, saved, heirs of Life.
God calls them sons not slaves, friends
Not foes, priests and kings, raised
From death to life, to show the affluence;
The grace, the glory, the grandeur of
The Sovereign King in earthen wares.

Food For Thought: Some claim Christianity as a right they earned, a title they worked hard to secure or must work harder to retain. Some wear spirituality as a cloak. How wearying such a life can be. We are who and what we are by the grace of God, yet grace does not take away our responsibility and accountability as representatives of our Father and His Kingdom here on earth. Grace is not a license to break laws and live anyhow. Grace allows us to enjoy what we never could on our own merit and enables us to do what we couldn’t accomplish by our own strength. Grace gives us access to the Father by faith so that we can live in obedience to His Word, His will, His way. Not seeing ourselves as having accomplished that by our strength but knowing that it is God working through our willing hearts to do that which is pleasing in His sight. Like Gordon Kornfeld said, “The key is to accept grace with a thankful heart but never to take it for granted.”

Scripture: But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 2 Corinthian 4: 7.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I may appear not as much, yet may the knowledge that I am the residence of the King of heaven and earth, preserve me from being swayed by the tongues and tags of men, amen.

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