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My needs are common, so my skills
Though my dream transcends them both.
My will is normal, my ways as usual
Though my wants oft lead and lag.
Through the boring hums of life
I found a key to the unique;
When I feed my needs, I want some more
When I feed God’s, He topples the impossible
To perform the extraordinary.
When my way is pleasing to the Almighty
He springs m
ighty surprises in deserts:
Every step that pleases God
Is an act of worship to the King.

Food For Thought: There is no end to human wants. The more we get, the more we want. I look back and remember way back in College: I had a dream. I wrote down the degrees and certifications I wanted to acquire in order to be the best in my chosen career. Half way in my first degree, I began to struggle. I strove to complete that and be done with going to school. Looking back today, I have ticked off every item on that list of dream. We often think we will be satisfied with one. Then we get that and the itch returns for higher goals and bigger challenges. Then we get two and go for three and four and more. Same goes with money, clothing, promotion, just name it. One is only enough while we seek it. One is only enough when we just got it. Give it sometime and we will begin to itch for more. I guess that’s not a nature limited to Oliver Twist alone. I guess that’s how we all are: always reaching for more because what we have is never enough for long enough. The possibility of being blinded by this ever spreading itch for more that we fail to appreciate what we already have is very rife. It is good to strive for more but it is better to appreciate what we have as we aspire for more because like my dad would often say, “If you can’t manage the little you have, who will trust you with more?” If you can’t appreciate what you have today, what is the guarantee that you will appreciate what you get tomorrow? No amount of possession will sate that thirst for more and life is bound to play a fast one on those who won’t pause to appreciate where they are and what they have because of what they seek. As we follow the counsel of God by His Word and His Spirit, we learn, we appreciate, and our values will not be a function of what we have or earn but of who we are because of who we have.

Scripture: How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation. Daniel 4: 3.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I am grateful that You are not me, not like me: I am grateful that in me, Your wonders are revealed, amen.

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