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How taxing, paddling my boat through life’s
Ever changing tides! Sore hands, aching feet
Currents tossing back and forth, mocking
My strength, 
messing my skill. What’s left
Of me? What’s left for me? 
Throw paddles
Away in frustration a
nd let the sea bury us
r keep paddling still, hoping that someday
This lashing wind will die, m
y hope will live
My life will thrive, count for more than these.
Ahead, I see the lighthouse calling: every row
Takes me closer to shore: 
I will keep hoping
I will keep rowing.
 To you I say, don’t give up:
Look beyond the wearying, look up;
The l
ighthouse stands out there calling
The l
ighthouse stands out there guiding
The lighthouse stands ahead, cheering
“More strength, more grace, row on
You’re not that far from home.”

Food For Thought: Why are many people living in hopelessness these days? Because they have nothing to look forward to, nothing to live for, nothing to wake up in the morning and get out of bed or out the door for, nothing worthy to stoke the fire of passion and keep them going in spite of myriad challenges flooring mankind. Life is a journey, faith is the fuel, and hope is the goal. Without hope, life is miserable and may be considered by some as a waste of time and air. Hope is that thing that keeps one up and going when every other has been distracted, diverted, and disqualified for the race set before us. Hope is that light, shining at the end of a tunnel, assuring us an end to the troubles, assuring us that our dream has life; that our dream is not so far, that our dream can be touched, reached, embraced, and lived someday if we persist and not give up or drop out of the race. Hope is that lighthouse, way out of the reach of our ‘now’ but still in view of faith, beckoning, encouraging, cheering, motivating, assuring that we can make it, we will get there, and we will live our dreams if we don’t abandon ship.

Scripture: Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8: 12.

Prayer: Dear Lord, may I never tire in my journey, and may I never stop or give up, until I am home with You, amen.

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