God is Spirit, His worshippers
Must bear supernatural delicacies
Even more, becoming the offerings
That satisfy His divine appetite, receive
Stamps of His approval that precede
Natural manifestation of His blessings.
As we worship Him, like father Isaac,
He pours out blessings from the deep:
More than eyes can see, more than ears
Can hold, more than tongues can tell
More than hearts imagine. And faith,
The vessel for delivery, for receiving.
If you don’t believe, you can’t receive.
In worship, we commune, spirit-to-Spirit
In truth, bearing savory sacrifices.
In worship, we become offerings
The King receives for His pleasure
And full, He pours out upon us
Drenches our lives with dew of grace.
Food For Thought: One of the blessings our generation is missing is parental blessings. We have become so self-sufficient that we don’t need anyone, not even our parents. I don’t think Jacob’s life would have been what it became without that blessing from His father. Any wonder he was determined to get it by whatever means. Like Esau, our generation is quick to sell that blessing for a steaming instant fix, any wonder things are the way they are? We have parents who don’t care and whenever they open their mouth, it is curses instead of blessings they spit. This generation needs parents who know their place and take it, who know their duties and fulfil it: parents who know the mind of God concerning their children and call those things that be not as though they were, irrespective of what they may be seeing, until the word becomes flesh. This generation needs offspring who value the invisible and undeniable blessings that overflow from the bellies of our parents, fed by our loving care and honor; offspring who esteem that blessing and connection that nothing else can replace; offspring who will do whatever it takes within the limits of righteousness, to receive, to nurture, to live the fullness of such blessing that is pleasing to both God and man.
Scripture: But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. John 4: 23.
Prayer: Dear Lord, may my rise up, a sweet smelling sacrifice of worship to You, amen.