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Evil strikes harder as night grows darker
The wary grow weary as fury and power devour
The poor and the helpless. “Save us,” they cry.
Their voices silenced, their places taken
Their tears move no heart beyond pity
But where are the watchmen, their kinsmen?
Where are the gatekeepers and night watchers?
“Save us,” they cry today, whose turn tomorrow?

Every day leaves us awash with news of lives being wasted by those who have no value for the lives of others. Every day, people are kidnapped or trapped in their homes and communities, and life is snuffed out of the old and young. Every day, the blood of people like you and me are pouring out like water, gathering from countless locations, flowing like a river before our eyes. Not a day goes by where there is not one of these news that have turned norms that numb us. Every day, evil waxes stronger and we turn the other way because we feel helpless in the face of such hopeless situations. I am not pointing fingers or accusing anyone because my heart breaks every day at these news that leave many of us feeling helpless.

Should we then fold our hands and let evil continue to spread its tentacles and claim lives because we feel safe where we are or because we don’t know what to do? Where on earth is safe today? Do we forget that evil unchecked will stop at nothing? That we can only hide but for a while before what got others gets us? The corpse of someone we don’t know means nothing to us. The corpses of so many we don’t know don’t pinch our schedule. Until it gets too close and turns out to be not only someone we know but someone dearly loved. Then everything changes.

Don’t sit back feeling helpless until it comes too close before you do something. Everyone of us can do something about this senseless waste of lives. If you have the power, use it; if you know someone who has, reach out and inspire them to do something. If you have a voice, speak up; if you know someone who has, ask them to raise the volume. Whatever means you have, now (not tomorrow) is the time to put it to work. And as for those who know this God called the Almighty, with whom nothing is impossible; hold your peace no more! God won’t do for us, what we should. Go to Him however you know to, give Him no rest until He rises to do that which only God can do for us, for our people, and for our land. Amen.


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