But for my transgression
Christ would not have died
My damnation attracted salvation.
For my liability, His rights sacrificed
My filthiness was a cry for grace
A call for help, heard by the Father
A price paid by the Son, the fruits
Sealed, guaranteed by the Spirit;
God’s insurance cover, an eternal
Assurance that no matter what
I belong to God, now and forever.
Food For Thought: The pressure to belong has been the undoing of folks. Based on whatever criteria that informs our values, we choose those we like and want to be associated with and those we strive to belong with. You may hear people query, “Do you know who I am?” It is really not about who they are as individuals but primarily about what comes with the package of their belonging. Some can lay claim to royal heritage, some to wealth however it was acquired, some to smart and savvy connections, some to power and local or global influences. Whatever the backings, they provide those who are affiliated good enough dose of confidence to dare, to boast, and to flaunt it. And that is okay so long as your boast is legit. It is not a bad thing to belong, to dare, to boast and to flaunt your root, heritage and connection: it all depends on what that root is, the integrity behind that heritage, the power behind the connection. When it is all earthly, well you and I know that people no matter how great they are, gain and lose and live and die – that is the undeniable truth. However, when the fuel of our confidence is God who lives forever, who rules from coast to coast, who is above and beyond all that was and is and ever will be, then we will never be ashamed or lose that confidence. In what lies your confidence? In men who are so powerful today and tomorrow lose it all and are forgotten? In men that die and their influence fades? Every believer should be so glad and proud that we belong to the power that is above and rules all, power that doesn’t fade or cease or change, power that cannot be toppled or influenced. I belong to God, how about you?
Scripture: Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3: 16.
Prayer: Dear Lord, may I never forget, that come what may, I belong to You, now and forever, amen.