I recall when I felt Him leave
But when did He return? All I know
Is that I just knew His presence
Right there with me; I didn’t think it
I didn’t see it, I didn’t touch it
I didn’t smell it, and I didn’t taste it
I just knew it with a knowing
Beyond doubt: I knew He was there
And then I began to wonder
Could it be possible that He was there
All the time I worried and wearied?
True to His Word, even when my senses
Failed, God was there, a very present help
And I knew it not because I felt it not.
Food For Thought: We often imagine that God is subject to the things we are subject to, because this is all we know. But the Word of God paints the picture that surpasses our imagination, of what it takes to be God; all mighty, so holy, ever present, never failing. Countless stories, documented in the Bible were put together to help us know God better, to help us understand His ways, and draw us closer to Him who longs intimacy with us. Imagine so great a God, surrounded by all the unutterable wonders of heaven, yet setting them aside to be with man. He scaled the walls of our ignorance, longing to fill us with knowledge of Him as waters cover the sea. Despite our rejections, He kept and keeps coming. Not only that, He promised that He will never leave nor forsake us, that He will be with us to the end of time. Yet we often feel disappointed, deserted, and alone. Is it because God has failed or His Word has changed? Neither. When our interactions with God is limited to feelings, it goes up and down, swings back and forth, and leaves us doubtful and fearful. Because God is eternal, mortal can only connect and retain that connection by faith no matter the size. And faith can only be fed by the Word of God. It therefore means that when our interactions with God is based on His Word, we know what we know, we hold onto what we know irrespective of how we feel, and we stand by what we know until every other aligns. Those who know are not easily moved by transient emotions and fleeting occurrences. Those who know are rooted and the more they know, the deeper their roots, and the stronger they can stand the test of time. God doesn’t come and go like we do: He is our ever present Help.
Scripture: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1.
Prayer: Dear Lord, may I doubt my doubts, question my senses, but never You or Your Word: help me so that whether I sense You or not, I am always assured, that true to Your Word, You are always there with me, amen.