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I sensed Him leave and I was desolate
But at His return my hope awoke;
My help is here, my help is now
ame is my everlasting hope.
He returned to comfort, I thought
Until I saw needles of grace in His hands
“Not again!” I wailed under my breath
Loud enough to reach His ears,
His hands but He continued, like
He didn’t hear me. “How come nobody
Warned me that I was dealing with a tailor?”
I hollered, heaven and earth my witnesses
As He wiped my tears, bent on His work
Nothing could dissuade Him. With colorful
Threads of peace, He sewed me back together
I reemerged, every part in order.

Food For Thought: We come to God with impressions gathered through interactions with people we suppose know Him. The things we have seen and heard highlight the impressions of God that we file away. Then we eventually get to the place of experience and begin to wonder, “Is it the same God that they said is so good that I am dealing with here because I am so not feeling good about this at all?” Our experiences trump what “They said” and we become wanderers, wondering about this God! You can’t build a solid foundation without the right blocks. You can’t get the right blocks without the right mix of the right materials. What “They said,” is not enough to build a relationship with God because when the wind blows, you need roots, which cannot be planted by what “They said.” You cannot learn God enough from the mouth of another when He is ever there, waiting, wanting you to learn directly from Him. God wants to teach us who He truly is. Not who the world thinks He is. God wants a relationship so personal that you depend on Him to teach you His Word, His will, His ways. If God is willing to spare the time to reveal Himself to us, why is it hard for us to spend that time with Him and truly learn? We err because we don’t know. We miss it because we run along with wrong impressions, handed over by flawed persons like you and me. God wants to reveal Himself to you: will you make out time for Him? Will you spend time in His Word and in prayer, in the very places where God visits those willing to pay the price of intimacy with the Almighty? It’s your call, it’s your choice.

Scripture: And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.” Mark 7: 37.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Your workings and ways may appear tough to my eyes, yet may I never falter in my faith toward You and Your ability to do me good, amen.

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