I stepped on the tail of a sleeping beast
Not to dare what I can’t fight
Not to prove what I don’t know
I wanted good, I wanted well
And when I saw that door appealing
I followed my eyes and not my heart
When I heard that door calling
I followed my ears and not my head
I went for good, not for trouble
I went for gain, not for pain
I went because it seemed so good
Now I’m standing face to face
With ferociousness, afraid, at loss
Now I must choose to turn and run
Hide away my fright and plight
Save my neck and lose my name
Or choose faith and courage
To stand and fight, win or not
To die fighting or live hiding.
Food For Thought: We encounter the good that makes us happy and evil that leaves us fearful. When it is good, we step out, stand out, announce and celebrate. When it is contrary, we are tempted to run and hide, not say a word, not attract attention, live in hope that evil will go away quietly and leave us alone. When we are afraid, we attribute nonexistent qualities to the things we fear. They assume larger than life status to retain their dominion over our minds. Sooner or later, they become strongholds from whose shackles, we can’t escape. Fear is a devourer. It subtly takes over your life, drives you around in the name of seeking escape but in reality, what you fear is not out there – the root is within and follows wherever you go. May our fears draw us close to God where we can lose them in His love. Love repels fear and attracts trust so that beneficiaries can rest as they enjoy its pleasurable fruits. God is jealous and would not have us fear any other but Him. Nobody and nothing is worthy of our fear. God delivered us from fear so we can love and serve Him all our days. Fear interferes with our love and service to God and to men – God wants us to get rid of it. Until we deal with it, love will always fall short in our eyes, reinforcing the strong-hold of fear over us. And fear multiplies. It never walks away and leaves us alone. No, it hunts for life if you let it. It hunts until you face and defeat it or it undoes you. We have what it takes to overcome our fears: triumphant faith in Jesus. We overcome through Christ who helps us. May God’s surpassing love drown every fear that chases you about, strengthen you to rise above it, releasing you to enjoy the liberty for which Christ paid so dear a price for you.
Scripture: And I said, “Should such a man as I flee? And who is there such as I who would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in!” Nehemiah 6: 11.
Prayer: Dear Lord, when I open doors that I shouldn’t, and am faced with troubles too much for me, grant me the wisdom to know and to do right no matter what is at stake, amen.